Tuesday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time


Hymns for the Mass


Entrance Antiphon

Upon a lofty throne,
I saw a man seated
Whom a host of angels adore,
Singing in unison:
Behold him, the name of whose
empire is eternal.

Offertory Hymn

Humbly we adore Thee

Verse 1
Humbly we adore thee, Christ, Redeemer, King;
Thou art Lord of heaven, thou to whom we sing.
God, the Mighty, thou has come, bearing gifts of grace;
Son of Adam still thou art: Savior to our race.
Verse 2
Jesus, Lord, we thank thee for this wondrous bread;
In our land thou dwellest, by thee we are fed.
We who share this mystery in thee are made one;
Ev’ry act we offer thee in thy name is done.
Verse 3
Christ, our God and brother, hear our humble plea;
By this holy banquet keep us joined to thee.
Make us one in loving thee, one in mind and heart,
Till in heaven we are thine, never more to part.

Communion Hymn #1

Panis Angelicus

With you, O Lord, is the foundation of life,
And in your light, we see light.
Panis angelicus
fit panis hominum;
Dat panis cœlicus
figuris terminum:
O res mirabilis!
Manducat Dominum
pauper, servus et humilis.
Te trina Deitas
unaque poscimus:
Sic nos tu visita,
sicut te colimus;
Per tuas semitas
duc nos quo tendimus,
Ad lucem quam inhabitas.
(Bread of angels made the bread of man
The bread from Heaven with figures dost away
O most wondrous gift
The poor and lowly may
upon their Lord and Master feed
O Godhead, one in three
We implore Thee
That Thou wilt visit us as we worship Thee
Lead us on Thy way
That we at last may see
the light wherein Thou dwellest)

Recessional Hymn

Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide thee,
Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see,
Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
Perfect in pow'r, in love, and purity.